Sign up for FREE piano lessons at: . Learn how to count 16th notes on the piano in this piano lesson with Nate Bosch. Counting 16…
Sign up for FREE piano lessons at: . Learn how to count 16th notes on the piano in this piano lesson with Nate Bosch. Counting 16…
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perfectly explained! so straight forward and easy to understand!
Thank you! Couldn’t figure out the 16th note for the life if me. I play by
ear but am attempting to teach myself to read music…so thx again!
“one eee and aaah two eee and aaah three eee and aaah four eee and aaah”
🙂 ty. now that I know how to count those dumb 16th notes, i can play at my
recital without failing 😀 and my piano teacher wont yell at me this time
nice work dude.
@starlight19000 Haha, yell or give advices? 🙂
Would you call a fast-paced piano intro such as heard in Supertramp’s
“Dreamer” or Toto’s “Hold the Line” 16th note licks?
so much better than dudavid’s.
like this
This looks hard,yet I want to master 16th notes though.