14 thoughts on “Learn to Play the Piano | Lesson #13 | music notation rhythm part 2 (8th & 16th notes)

  1. unlikely cloud says:

    hi i am having trouble again i play twinkle twinkle little star but the
    problem is i dont know where will i put my fingers i know where will i put
    but in what group what i mean is.. the key keep repeating in CDEFGABC then
    another CDEFGABC again and again and so on that i mean my problem is what
    group will will i put my fingers to be exact in sound forgive my english
    and i cant explain well sorry i hope you will respondd

  2. The Piano Chord Book says:

    I understand. I would suggest that you start the song on middle C. Middle C
    is the C closest to the center of the piano keyboard, a little more than 3
    octaves up from the lowest note on the piano. If you start the song on
    middle C it will be in a good register. The notes would be as follows
    (right hand finger #’s in parenthesis) C(1) – C(1) – G(5) – G(5) – A(5) –
    A(5) G(5), F(4) – F(4) – E(3) – E(3) – D(2) – D(2) – C(1), etc. I hope that
    helps. Thanks for watching!

  3. unlikely cloud says:

    thanks for the reply 🙂 but how will i know if im gonna place my finger in
    in C(5right) then next to F(4)

  4. The Piano Chord Book says:

    The note C should always be played using finger 1. When you put your right
    hand thumb(1) on C and lay the rest of your fingers across the keyboard,
    letting them fall naturally each on a key of their own, they should look
    like this: C(1) – D(2) – E(3) – F(4) – G(5). Using this as your basic
    position should help you finger the whole song. The only adjustment you
    will need to make is when you reach with 5 to get to the A. Hope that
    helps! Thanks for watching!

  5. The Piano Chord Book says:

    Yes, you can find our Facebook page at thepianochordbook. I’d be happy to
    answer there, or here, any questions you may have!

  6. unlikely cloud says:

    thank you you are always welcome to any question i already message you in
    your page 🙂 i attach a image so at least you can understand thank you
    again 🙂

  7. Channelly Talavera says:

    I understood everything so perfectly!!! Finally I can find someone who can
    say such a big complicated thing into such simple words thank you so much!!

  8. Patricia Lenin says:

    can u plz talk bit slowly… i can undrstand that four beat notes… bt i
    couldnt get the beats subdivided into 1 & so on…. and that 8 beat and the
    16 beat division????

  9. jenn greenfield says:

    my home work from my piano teacher is to compose a short song using the 4
    chords ive done that easily but i dont no how to write double beat chords i
    need the first 1 & in G if that makes sense ? does any one no ????

  10. The Piano Chord Book says:

    Hello Jenn, I’d love to help you but I am not sure what you mean by double
    beat chords. When you are notating a chord on a staff you stack the notes
    on top of each other. This signifies that they occur at the same moment.
    So, if you had a G chord that occurred on the “1” and the “&” of a measure,
    it sounds like you are referring to eighth notes. That would be G, B, and D
    stacked on top of each other, written two times and connected with a bar.
    Hope that helps. Thanks for watching & God bless!

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