17 thoughts on “Tips & Tricks for reading notes on the Grand Staff

  1. Timothy Vernon says:

    The confusing part, that I am kinda of giving getting the hang of, but
    still find confusing is: playing the music and sight reading when the song
    is placed in different keys. The problem is keeping track of what notes
    remain to be flats or sharps. Should I be, instead of reading the notes as
    letters, read them as numbers within a scale? Thanks.

  2. Somerset Academy of Music says:

    As for reading in different keys with sharps & flats I think that as with
    most things it will get easier with time & practice. I can’t think of any
    specific tricks to help with this one. IMO I think reading them as letters
    is probably preferable. One tip that I could offer – if there are a lot of
    sharps or flats (5 or more) in the key I always keep track of what is NOT
    sharp or flat. For example: If I’m play a song in the key of F# Major I
    think to myself every note is sharp EXCEPT “B”. Thanks!

  3. Yukki Kuran 16 says:

    I was wondering if there are any tricks to reading the grand staff because
    i normally play flute which has only the treble cleff and am finding it
    hard to read the sheet music while looking at both staffs has i play any
    help will be highly appreciated thanks

  4. Somerset Academy of Music says:

    Learning to read the grand staff just takes time and practice, but I would
    suggest trying to always read from the bottom (lowest) note upward. In time
    this will help you to read faster. #1 simply because it gives you a
    starting point w/o having to decide “where to begin” and #2 we usually
    think about and read intervals/chords this way ( bottom to top). I have
    found that simply finding that lowest note helps the other notes sort of
    fall into place. Another trick is just trying to read ahead.

  5. Napoleon Buenrostro says:

    Thank you so much for your video. At the age of 30 I have finally decided
    to start learning how to play the piano. While I do play the guitar and a
    little accordion, I don’t know how to read music. This video is of vital
    importance for anyone who looks at sheet music and sees ink blots on a
    whole bunch of lines. Thank you for your help

  6. Somerset Academy of Music says:

    You’re welcome. Glad to help. Good luck with learning to read the staff.
    Don’t give up you can do it!

  7. D r Jezz says:

    Brilliant! Really helpful – I’ve been playing for over thirty years and am
    just beginning to learn how to read music (beyond Every Good Boy etc) –
    just never got around to it. Thank you!

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