25 thoughts on “Skyrim Main Theme – Guitar Tabs

  1. Energerix says:

    Prakticky když to člověk zahraje na klávesy tak taky na kytaru a naopak,
    ale borec! Konečně taby!

  2. xericicity says:

    The gain was too high. That and noise reduction made it somewhat worse.
    Sorry about that.

  3. Metal Maniac says:

    Thats a kind of Guitar Tutorial i like. I always see the Tabs and the sound
    is good enough to hear what is the right tone. Great Vid, great Tutorial ;D

  4. Psiwolf Caine says:

    I do have the same problem.How can i play the 2h3p0 part??? im begginer
    dont know much.

  5. Damei says:

    You might think this sounds terrible, but it’s awsome, more helpfull then
    people showing off

  6. Adam Scandrett says:

    The playing was good i dont know what your worried about lol. Especially
    for the hammer and pull.

  7. Colby Schmidt says:

    And sombody posted that it would sound good on a country guitar. What the
    hell is a country guitar I think u need to rephrase that post

  8. Joe sachs says:

    and Psiwolf Caine, to play the 2h3p0 part, you need to hit the string on 2
    slide onto 3, pull your finger off and hit the string again.

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