24 thoughts on “Sheet Music – Pirates of caribean (he’s a pirate) Violin, recorder and piano

  1. lauren squibb says:

    I can play the Flute part at last!! Whoop! XD Thankyou for uploading this
    video. It has helped alot. 🙂

  2. Martiin Norambuena says:

    wooow puedo tocar la parte de violin sin problemas, no es una partitura
    sencilla pero no es muy dificil de aprender XD

  3. Creation Tafari says:

    umm wheres the link to download the video can you please put it in there or
    tell me please that would be greatly appriciated

  4. MissMakiChan1 says:

    Can you send me a copy of the sheet music Please? 🙂 I’m trying to learn
    this on my violin

  5. Misteryus99 says:

    well.. actually he dont play He´s a Pirate with this notes, he did them
    with another ones more difficult

  6. 1LOLLYtime says:

    If you want the notes for the recorder though here they are: A C D(high)
    D(high) D(high) E(high) F(high) F(high) F(high) G(high) E(high) E(high)
    D(high) C C D(high) If you want more let me know

  7. 1LOLLYtime says:

    If you want to print it, get a screenshot program that will take a picture
    of the notes so you can print them.

  8. Roberto Lama Rodriguez says:

    Podrías pasarme la partitura?, me gustaría tocarla con unos amigos, y pensé
    que vendría en la descripción.

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