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Participate with me musically! ====| I love connecting with all kinds of people and invite you to join our community! Facebook:…
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Man, why do not you come to one network?
I am a fullscreen partner and this greatly increases the gain, think about
forgive my English!
Why don’t you change your hand position when you are practicing? You play
it differently in your other video.
Hey man . I’m learning violin . Can u tell me the notes u are using please
Whats the difference between the friendly and original key??
I was wondering if you had the chords available for piano and guitar?
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which version is easier to play the violin friendly or the original?
Are the 1 and 2 low or regular?
Fantastic!!! I’m wondering if you could make a tutorial video like this:Silent
Night (Violin Fingerings Close Up). It will be easier for us-violin
beginners to learn your “let it go”. Please!!!
hi i want to ask can you please send me the music notes?like G1,D0
something like that because i trying to read music sheet while enjoying
playing violin thanks in advance
super love!!! I don’t know how to read notes but because of this video now
I can play this song. Super thank you!
Great playing.
I don’t understand the notes, it’s staff only 2-3 lines. Btw I am a
when i try to open the direct sheet music it wont open, can anyone help?
Im just a beginner 🙁 . I dont read these kind of notes 🙁 (Not helping)
…. Why is there only like…. 2 or 3 lines on the score…. why not the
normal 5??? I was trying to read the music(I’m grade 2 atm) and what I was
playing didn’t sound right at all… When I thought it was 2nd on E(g) you
were using your 4th finger on the A string… I could’ve sworn you were
playing on the A string during what I thought was played on the D string
O.O Please explain it to me. I tried finding sheet music online but it all
prints out too small to read :I
Wow You are Amazing and thank you for giving up the time and effort you
really helped me!!!!! =)
It looks like you catch every notes you play ? If yes can you explain why
you do that ?