24 thoughts on “Love Story (piano cover)

  1. mrpostmansav2 says:

    A powerful and moving arrangement for this piece… you continue to amaze
    me with your talent and passion for music. I am honored to listen again and

  2. danoise esionad says:

    The song is beautiful of course but man…your skill is just so crazy good.

  3. Timur Aliyev says:

    Fabrizio, Bravo! Beautiful work! I have to buy the sheet music.
    Question: Are you using an amplifier with your Yamaha?

  4. Fabrizio Caligaris says:

    I can’t answer to your comments in Youtube, I’m around the world with a
    miniiPad. Pls contact me by email through my website if you have any
    questions. Thanks!

  5. bennemann says:

    I don’t like this arrangement. Too much “flowering it up”. In between all
    the embellishments, the soul of the music was lost.
    My opinion of course.

  6. Mohamad Ghaith says:

    i just love music and everyone who loves it ,,, this is really nice wish i
    can play it one day 

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