11 thoughts on “Learn Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata for Piano (tutorial)

  1. Erik Kohler says:

    Thank you a lot! The sheet music on itself is tricky for me to decipher,
    because I’m not yet good at getting the beat and tempo from a piece of
    paper (yeah, and I know about the time signatures and such, but it just
    doesn’t ‘click’ until I hear it), and I also can’t follow only the virtual
    piano. The combination is just perfect and the slow speed made this song
    even for me easy to follow! Thank you a lot for uploading this!!!

  2. Farida Cici says:

    bu menim en cox sevdiyim eserlerden biridi axirki notla tapdim duz 5,6
    aydi bu eserin notla olanini axdarirdim

  3. LolliBellamy says:

    This is really helpful, I’ve never played the piano but I can play very
    well half moonlight sonata! That’s amazing, thank you!

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