to watch the full piano tutorial go to This piano tutorial is the continuation to this piano lessons http:…
to watch the full piano tutorial go to This piano tutorial is the continuation to this piano lessons http:…
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Thanks your videos help alot. I have only been playing for about 5 months,
i recently got a book by Micheal Aaron its helping me also
easy to understand… gj 🙂 i like it
i like this. thanks!
Great For beginners!
Nice Job! It really helped!
Thanks alot! Great video, i thought i would never be able to read notes 🙂
I’m desperately trying to learn to read piano sheet music becuz tutorials
on the internet are so hard to find. I think that these videos will help
me, thank you so much XD
Nice tips. Thanks for sharing. It has been explained with such ease that
one would learn the notes after watching the video just once.
thank you very much i learned more about read bass clef because im confused
if i read bass because of 2 jump ^^
F under middle C? You mean like F under middle C, B, A, and G? I don’t get
how it correlates onto the keyboard. :{
@ramrocksdaworld il email you on youtube:)
@weonlymakehits I was wrong, disregard the part about the flat and sharp
symbols, but it will tell you where to play, and I’m sure that the farther
into the lessons you get, he will explain it to you.
@weonlymakehits he meant under the octave of middle C because middle C also
has its own F, if he didn’t say “under middle C you would think it’d be
under any C or F or whatever, so i hope that my explanation helped GOOD
LUCK learning.
Finally! I took lessons years ago and needed a refresher. All I wanted to
know was the location of middle C in relationship to the bass & treble
clef. It’s unreal how many of these videos came nowhere near explaining
that. Now I can start playing again, thanks dudu!
I just love your accent 🙂
Very helpful! Thank you!
the theme music freaks me out … but hey ! good job dude …
Lol he spelled Theory wrongly >.< But nonetheless everything is AMAZING!
Thanks for the lesson.
I love your shirt…
Trained in Treble clef as a kid. Very easy to understand the relationship
to the Bass clef which I need to know now singing Tenor in choir. Thanks
you David!
*Comments may be held for uploader approval. Ough seriously, -why-? 🙂 Love
it, your website helped me a lot, I was looking for something like this for
good few days. THANK YOU!
Thanks for this, I keep getting confused with the left hand, this should
help. Btw I love your accent ;3
i thought this video and the notes in the bass clef were real easy to
understand since i play tuba in my school at band its the treble clef i
really need help with…
thank you. this help so much
I understand, but in Italian it’s more effin’ difficult: Sol = G La = A Si
= B Do = C Re = D Mi = E Fa = F