25 thoughts on “How To Play Hero By Enrique Iglesias Piano Tutorial with NOTES!!

  1. evelyn van herpe says:

    @mileyy13 haha :p me too x) But I learn by watching other video’s because I
    can’t read any notes 😮

  2. evelyn van herpe says:

    @95grenade95 Most of the time I’m playing on the piano when it’s vacation.
    I think I have had my piano 2 years ago.. I learned playing it on my own.

  3. Gigi Hughes says:

    @Enriqueiloveyou playing by ear is good i do it too but if you really want
    to expand your music playing then learning how to read would help a lot

  4. stormred18 says:

    does anyone have the notes? The link doesn’t work for me for some reason
    and I’m also a beginner!

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