11 thoughts on “How to Play ~ Chopsticks ~ Traditional Piano Novelty

  1. John Nelson says:

    I put like a g6 on the list 😉 here are the notes to start on it – Ab Ab Ab
    – then jump up an octave Ab – down to Eb – E E E – E Eb . . . then repeat :
    I will put up a video & notes soon 🙂 The other song I can’t find –
    “Buitiful gonna come out” is there another title for it or artist? Let me

  2. John Nelson says:

    Oh, the one by Akon – already have it on the list. I’ll try to get it out
    in the next couple of days.

  3. Saskia Lister says:

    Can you do a tutorial of Just Can’t Get Enough – Depeche Mode? Because I
    liked this tutorial and I think that all the other tutorials of the above
    song are terrible and are not self explanitory. Many thanks.

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