Learn how to play sixteenth notes with expert tips and advice on advanced piano in this free video clip on music lessons. Expert: Hope Wells Bio: Hope Wells …
Learn how to play sixteenth notes with expert tips and advice on advanced piano in this free video clip on music lessons. Expert: Hope Wells Bio: Hope Wells …
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You are cute! Do you have a website with piano lessons? Greets from Italy
thanks alot i never understood this in school 🙁 this makes alot of sense
thanks 😀
i play drums and arent you suppose to count 16th notes like: 1 e and a 2 e
and a 3 e and a 4e and a
Hahahaha, props!
You’re a disgusting sexist, probably of the can’t-get-a-girl variety.
Now I know thank you
milkwig is a d**k
and this helps because………..
you might want to look up what sexist means. i would have accepted lured
and uncivilised. saying that, it’d be nice to play some semiquavers on her
chest and crotch too…1e+a, 2e+a etc its not sexist, its foreplay. you
should try it on your partner, then post THAT on expert village.
Wow, that was actually helpful! Most of the expert village videos are a
load of crap .
I think she is super…….. extremely attractive and ultra sexy…. the
hell with the piano.
not really advanced more like beginner
great music bravo
I’m having problems Playing 16th notes on one hand and play 8th notes on
hand, does any one know any drills or articles i could use for this?
Shut up and play!
I would wish that she is my piano teacher. Not because of the piano….
this is….advanced?
My problem with sixteenth notes is trying to do them on one key :/
I can’t figure out if she’s teaching me to play or if she’s teaching me how
to teach kids to play. Either way, it has nothing to do with “advanced
piano”, because I don’t think this speaker can actually play. She keeps it
simple because she knows very little.
“You are dealing with confidence issues”. In this case, perhaps, we are
dealing with an issue of too much confidence. Go on teacher, play for us a
Chopin study, or a Beethoven Sonata. Or a Haydn Sonata for that matter. Or
something really elementary like a Clementi or Diabelli Sonatina, lets see
if there is ANYTHING at all you can teach.
… advanced? The concept of dividing a note into smaller portions is
advanced piano now?
All I can tell you is to slow it down, then gradually speed it up until you
get back to the original tempo.
Fantastic teaching and advice. Really well explained. Thank you!