LOVE NOTES Special Unit 「LOVE & LIGHT」 BUY CD English But Not For Me Jazz – Love No…

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24 thoughts on “BUT NOT FOR ME-Love Notes feat.Frank Strazzeri on piano

  1. 96ac97441e7fb129cd9bde19a7bffe61
    spacepatrolman . says:

    frank strazzeri had a record called strazzephonic solos [with a piano book
    to go with it]

  2. 96ac97441e7fb129cd9bde19a7bffe61
    Hummingbird023 says:

    I just love it. Frank strazzeri plays beautiful piano and Hiro plays nice
    quiet horn and of course Maki sings great!!

  3. 96ac97441e7fb129cd9bde19a7bffe61
    MrSkymkt says:

    素晴らしい! さりげない演奏の中に高度なテクニックがちりばめられていて、 鳥肌ものです。
    派手さはないけれど、それぞれの内面が上品に出ていて、大好きです。 ジャズマンのこれみよがしのテクニックの披露には辟易としていますが
    私はこういう表現こそ、ジャズだと思います。 トランペットの音色も素敵です。 字幕があるのも嬉しい!!!

  4. 96ac97441e7fb129cd9bde19a7bffe61
    Hummingbird023 says:

    Dear strazmt…???whatever, Who are you to criticize such beautiful
    singing. You probably love “singers with soul” who sing like they would
    start gobbling up the microphone.

  5. 96ac97441e7fb129cd9bde19a7bffe61
    Wood Bass says:

    この録画・録音は素晴らしい。 ジャズのライブ録音はこうあるべきだ。
    それぞれの楽器にきちんとマイクを向けてミキサーで調節するべきですね。 ドラムが居たら完璧だった♪

  6. 96ac97441e7fb129cd9bde19a7bffe61
    MrRockinrollin1 says:

    Frank Strazzeri on piano – a classic playing a classic; if you like this
    check out the cd from Let’s Get Lost (soundtrack from docu. by same title)

  7. 96ac97441e7fb129cd9bde19a7bffe61
    munkienl1 says:

    Charming lady singer! Top notch combo. One of the best versions of this
    standard on the ‘Tube.

  8. 96ac97441e7fb129cd9bde19a7bffe61
    philip orlando says:

    anyone figure those awesome scales Strazzeri was using around @ 4:48? I
    want to know how to play that so bad!

  9. 96ac97441e7fb129cd9bde19a7bffe61
    Hiromasa Watanabe says:


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