25 thoughts on “Ylvis – The Fox – Piano/Synthesia/Sheet Music/Tutorial/How To

  1. Erlis Minis says:

    Ylvis made this song for having fun on their TV program on TV Norway. And
    now it went this far. Who would expect that. 

  2. safa shroff says:

    The Fox, one of the many songs which has a horrible lyrics but a beautiful
    instrumental, piano or not

  3. Adadave7521 says:

    I think low, powerful eighth note chords on the bottom instead of an
    arpeggio would do this song better. 

  4. BusiedGem says:

    This is the first song I’ve ever seen on piano that uses sharps (#) instead
    of flats (b) as a key signature.

  5. TheNinjaMaster4 says:

    Just saying that in measure 98, Synthesia plays the melody with for beats,
    but the sheet music only has three and a half for the melody. The bass part
    still has 4 beats. I think i found an error.

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