25 thoughts on “Vivaldi Concerto in A Minor first movement violin sheet music

  1. ViolinTutorial says:

    Its the suzuki method, it helps people find the notes when playing in
    different positions 🙂

  2. juliesgotattitude says:

    if you tried really really hard i’m sure it’s possible but you wouldn’t get
    the same quality you would if you took it slow and steady 🙂

  3. ramiro andrade says:

    si es posible pues es depende si tu estudias y cada cancion la vas sacando
    y te aseguro que en menos de una semana puedes terminar el libro, solo es
    depende cuanta dedicacion le pongas al violin

  4. OsirisSDS says:

    I think its not only the suzuki method, because I’ve learned the violin not
    in suzuki way but knows the numbers too 🙂 But you are right, its a hint
    which finger should be used.

  5. picassa1998 says:

    If you have a good ear for music, just listen to it for while over and
    over, then try and tackle the sheet music. Hopefully you’ll eventually get
    it. Then, just practice a lot and you’ll learn it!

  6. Kat says:

    I did this for a solo once, but it took me like 3 months to learn and
    master perfectly. Towards the end with all the 16th notes killed me, but
    once it’s mastered sounds wonderful!

  7. OJoe64 says:

    This is my Class A Saxophone Solo this year… No too bad too be honest, I
    got about six more weeks till Solo & Ensemble and about 7 untill High
    School Auditions…

  8. CoDboy3773 says:

    I’m gonna play this song for my violin solo for my solo contest can’t wait
    to start learning this

  9. Jason Lee-Amezcua says:

    I am using this to audition for Honors Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. I need
    to send a recording but I’ve never done it before. Any idea on how to do

  10. Juwoo Nho says:

    dear polopoco, thats really mean to curse people, so if you dont like to
    read peoples comments, just dont go to the comments section at all. people
    read the comments to read HELPFUL comments, not curse words.

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