25 thoughts on “Skyrim Piano (Main Theme)

  1. rhetorical575 says:

    Nope, the sheets hanging on the wall are Atin1337’s. He doesn’t play them
    note for note, though.

  2. Libby Chadwick says:

    Worlds greatest piano god goes to you! Watching this for the 20th time
    straight, it never gets old!

  3. Manuel del Busto says:

    kylelandry, kylelandry, by his honor is sworn,
    To keep evil forever at bay!
    And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph’s shout,
    Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!

  4. Jay Thomas says:

    HA! I’m not the only one who tapes music up on the wall behind my piano!!!!
    Although I have a lot more…

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