25 thoughts on “Skyrim Main theme – Horn Octet

  1. dinoslr13 says:

    I agree that it’s fast. It’s my personal preference that it was fast. I
    liked it better that way.

  2. dinoslr13 says:

    Not really, I do agree most horn players can’t do that but I base my
    arrangements on my ability to play them.

  3. Brecht Schotte says:

    7th and 8th part are badly written I fear. That’s just not the way to write
    bass part even if it would be slower an more playable it would still sound
    like shit in these two parts, Good luck with it! For example an awesome
    deep horn part and extremely well executed by Willis

  4. ps3beast1995 says:

    true shit. The French horn section at my school has an amazing sound and we
    never get appreciated

  5. D Moore says:

    I don’t play French Horn, but I love the counter melodies especially in the
    Elder Scrolls music. This is great!

  6. thePENGUINandBISHOP says:

    I think French Horn players are so rare for the reason that there are so
    many partials in it.

  7. oDouBLETAPo says:

    Well time for me to learn the rest of the base cleft in high school BASS
    FRENCH HORN FOR THE WIN (playing lower than all the tubes will be great)

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