23 thoughts on “Piano Lesson: Using Pedal Notes (Pedal Points) to Create Harmonic Tension

  1. rewrerqwer asdfasdaf says:

    Ahhh it’s been so long since you’ve made a tutorial! These tutorials are
    awesome!! I hope you will make more of them.

  2. KyoshoBallard says:

    Great to see you’re making videos again! This concept is somewhat familiar
    to me, but with guitar. I’ve been playing around with writing songs in Open
    D tuning, and drone strings are a common occurrence. Heh. This is similar.

  3. SranjeIsOurLife says:

    my friend…that was absolutelyy amazing…easy way to understand…please
    keep your tutorials up…PEACEEEE

  4. DonJuanDeMarco2 says:

    OMG its a new video by Mangold ! 😀 I wasn’t expecting that. I hope this is
    the start of more to follow !

  5. MangoldProject says:

    Thanks. My motto, which I’ve also expressed in another comment reply, is:
    Teach as you would like to be taught.

  6. Suzanne LeBizarre says:

    I had done this almost “naturally” at some later point simply because I
    loved the way it sounded…and so different! Interesting… 

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