25 thoughts on “Miley Cyrus When I Look At You Sheet Music – Piano Notes

  1. the4everloveable says:

    when i look at you is my favourite song and i listen to it every day…. cant go a day with out it…..thankuuu miley!!!

  2. adcl12 says:

    Nice!! But could everyone check out my page its my first time ive sung and i think its pretty good!! lol pleasee check out me, im singing Concrete Angel thanks(: (even though im pretty sure she stomps my singing lol)

  3. AllThatCrazyness says:


    Me dancing in the mall to Christmas music only I can hear! 🙂
    Trying to get people in the spirit! 🙂 Help spread it! 🙂

  4. TashasLittleChannel says:

    -I know your sick of seeing this
    -But I love to sing
    -I’m a singer from England
    -I just want to hit 1000 subscribers
    -That would be a dream come true
    -Help me reach my goal
    -I don’t care about fame I just want to make people happy with my music
    -Please just take a few minutes out of your day to watch one of my videos
    -No worries if not =]
    -Thumbs up so other people can see
    -Thank you, I truly appreciate it

  5. karenceltic says:

    HEY! My lil’ sis’ was born premature & the doctors thought she’d die but thank God she made it. She’s struggled with walking, growing , & her eye sight & has been made fun of by kids her whole life. She loves to sing & she is good at it. Her dream is to start a foundation & help kids who have problems like hers. We uploaded her first cover last week & it is pretty good. Please have a heart & come check it out. It will only take 4 minutes. THANKS! Miley is the best 🙂

  6. MisaxRawwrrzx3 says:

    @jajajajaja1998 its cuz she changed so drasticly and so quick. if it wouldnt been over time it probly wouldnt have been as much as a big deal…

  7. TheJcouturexo says:

    Very nice song, If only she knew the chances, reputation, admiration, and opportunities shes lost. I guess they all end up that way sadly

  8. SamFudens says:

    @jajajajaja1998 Yes, but growing up doesn’t mean she has the right to go around being all slutty and crap. She should be a good role model. “Growing up” ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT mean she can do the stuff she has done. I cannot express that enough.

  9. mIcHwAyLa says:

    @SamFudens what exactly has she done that was “slutty” ? im just wondering because everyone says she is, and i cant really see it. growing up, especially a girl, is hard, but to have the media and EVERYONE criticizing you for mistakes you make….thats worse…and EVERYONE makes mistakes..

  10. mIcHwAyLa says:

    @SamFudens .if you dont, how can you ever learn from them? i’m just sayin that dont be so hard on her…you have no idea what you would do if you were in her place. people watching you ALL the time…i dont know how old you are, but think back to when you were 14, 16, 18….what would people of said about some things you did…? just think about it …

  11. MissGleeky1 says:

    @SamFudens Yeah, she should be a role model, but everybody needs to do experiences. Teens try different things and it’s normal, but why would it be different for her? She needs the same things as everybody…

  12. MissGleeky1 says:

    @SamFudens I think that showing the world that even if you’re famous you can make mistakes is more of a role model than being always perfect. Even if she is famous, she’s not less of a human…

  13. SamFudens says:

    @mIcHwAyLa oh no! I love miley! Im just saying that.. EXACTLY people ARE watching here all the time… so she SHOULD NOT be making the mistakes she is making. I just don’t think its appropriate. I get she’s not a little kid anymore. But she should keep it to a minimum.

  14. SamFudens says:

    @MissGleeky1 um… saying that “teens try different things” is REALLY not an excuse. If a friend jumped off a bridge does that mean that you would jump off a bridge too? just because “a lot of other teenage girls do it” REALLY does not make it ok. She’s better now. Maturing into an adult. A little past when she should have… but she doing good.

  15. JasonEllsworth1 says:

    Excuse me but in most of her recent music video she is wearing skimpy little out fits and di a photo shott with barely anything on!!! I don’t think she is the best role model out there, she has gotten messed up and has made a lot of bad decisions. Don’t cover up for her and say she id getting older, frankly if that is what happens when people get older I fear greatly for the state of this country when the new generation “grows up”.

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