25 thoughts on “Let Her Go – Passenger – Piano Cover Video by YourPianoCover

  1. YourPianoCover says:

    New cover! Let Her Go by Passenger is a fairly old song, but I thought it
    could be fun to do. This arrangement is pretty easy – only the left hand
    can be tricky especially in the verse. Try it out :)

  2. Josy Paredes says:

    I love it! Please play the piano “I wish you where here – Pink Floyd”
    thankss, i from to chile :)

  3. Vivian Huynh says:

    Can you do “Me and My Broken Heart” by Rixton and “Sky Full of Stars” by
    Coldplay please if you haven’t already? Thanks :)

  4. Linda Peng says:

    Nice – but are all of your keys flat? Made me do a double take when I saw
    the score and it didn’t match up.

  5. vibangle says:

    Out of all the piano covers I’ve seen on Youtube, these are the best! Keep
    up the great work! 

  6. Anika Dilger says:

    when do you think is the website online.. i really need it .. evrytime when
    i hear that song i have to cry and cant stop because of my aunt,,, this was
    her favourite song and she died last year pls send me the music sheets….
    it is so important for me

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