23 thoughts on “How to play One Republic – Secrets – On piano – (intro) Notes in desc.

  1. Judahsch says:

    Good tutorial, if you know it any better now make a new tutorial, cuz it
    was rly slow for ppl who can play piano, and just wanna kno the notes

  2. Matt Wassabi says:

    @bloodshot9805 ummm i keep see in this in alot of piano vids but the one
    thing i do not see is the piano! enough talking and more with the showing
    the keys -_-

  3. Quince Pan says:

    I thought the last line of notes for the intro should be D G b(high) G b G
    D G ??? BTW, I’m playing guitar.

  4. bloodshot9805 says:

    Haha, if you want to play it like that, go ahead(: And hope you do some
    awesome guitar stuff

  5. Mateusz Materek says:

    This is a VERY, VERY GOOD! Thank You 😉 Because of you I learned to play
    the song! Record on, this is GREAT! Greets you Polish 😀

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