25 thoughts on “How To Play: “Hashtag Deep” – Bo Burnham On Piano (Piano Tutorial)

  1. Fresh Water Otter says:

    Can you please do a tutorial on One Angry Dwarf And 200 Solemn Faces by ben

  2. Jamm3z133 says:

    Hey man, if you want to make sheet music for any songs you make tutorials
    for, check out Noteflight. This isn’t a plug, I’m just trying help out.
    It’s a really intuitive system, you don’t have to download anything and its
    free. I use it all the time if I have to transpose any physical sheet music
    to a digital form. Plus, who needs Guitar Pro, huh?

  3. Sebastian Portier-Young says:

    It’d be really awesome if you could do a tutorial of either Love is, or
    What’s funny, from his show “Words, Words, Words” Regards,

  4. Ryan Northey says:

    ‘Mr.Radiator’ By the J.Arthur Keenes Band? I can’t find a tutorial anywhere
    XD It’d be a huge help!

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