24 thoughts on “cool easy song to play on piano synthesia

  1. Darran Hyde says:

    what is this song? i need to know its name. me and my aunty love it and
    have memorised it off by heart on our out of key piano!

  2. allen the cool guy phoutharath says:

    cool what is this song? i need to know its name. me and my aunty love it
    and have memorised it off by heart on our out of key piano! 😀 😀 😀 ???

  3. Shanley Simpson says:

    What program is this? so that i can get it? i get a keyboard for my
    birthday but that is a while away yet. 

  4. gamesbro pro 95 says:

    Th x I am and beginner and I learnt the song what’s is the name plz could u
    tell me btw I subbed

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