24 thoughts on “Bob Seger/Metallica – Turn The Page – piano cover version 2

  1. Santi Guerra says:

    I can’t believe I am one of the firsts to see this wonderful video. I love
    your covers, i want to play like you one day :)

  2. Mark Roskilly says:

    I’ve been following u ( not literally ) for years now and I never get bored
    of seeing covers in this style

  3. Jack Kehoe says:

    Played beautifully … of course.

    Amazing how great music vaporizes the space between time. Vika put me back
    in Georgia on my motorcycle with my hair braided down to my ass. This song
    was ringing in my head as “the man” read me my rights….. but soon we were
    back on the road again.

    This song then became our anthem for years.

    For me Vika captures all Seger’s feelings.

    ( Vika, Georgia ….USA ) :–)


  4. Classical Jams - Passionate Piano says:

    Vika, I love this stylish new version of this iconic Seger tune!! You have
    added further dimension to it with your wonderful harmonies, slight
    dissonances and little sprinkling of blues notes near the end. Brilliant
    and beautiful and as always played with so much passion!! You’re such an
    inspiration to me 🙂 Simply the best! ~Jackie

  5. Фил Пират says:

    Викуха, сколько я смотрю твоих каверов и каждый раз, мое тело покрывается
    миллионами мурашек! Ты – супер!!!!!!!!
    Желаю дальнейших покорений музыкальных шедевров и творческих успехов..

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